In which I curse a gizmo

I decided to walk 36 blocks before running today.

No, wait, my iPod actually decided for me.

The conditions on today’s run were similar to the previous day — about -2ºC and a mix of sun and cloud. I headed down to China Creek Park and selected my workout on the iPod (35 minutes) then went to choose a playlist. Curiously, there were no playlists available. A message said to sync the iPod to transfer music over. Chagrined, I figured I’d just use shuffle instead and got the same message. In fact, the iPod wasn’t showing any of the 2,000+ songs I had stored on it. I debated whether to do the run voice-only (the nice Nike woman just announcing the time intervals without any music) but the thought of listening to my own breathing for 35 minutes convinced me to go back and try to fix whatever issue it was.

I plugged the iPod in and it synced in just a few seconds. I checked after unplugging it from the PC and it looked good — everything was back. So I returned to the park and did my run. Going there and back twice meant I walked 48 blocks in total. That’s a fair bit of walking I hadn’t planned on. The only real downside was being a little extra chilly at the start of the run.

Still, I shake my fist at Apple. Now I know to check the iPod before heading out instead of just crazily assuming it will work.

The run itself went well and as I closed in on 35 minutes I decided to go for 40. This gave me my best overall distance yet and I only lost six seconds on my overall pace from last time. Not bad. The one downside was my upper back started to feel a bit sore by about the 38 minute mark. That may mean I need to work on my stride or posture, so it may turn out to be a good thing in the long term.


Total distance: 7.11 km
Average time/km: 5:40/km
Best time/km: 5.14/km

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