It’s now been three weeks since my last run


If I sit on the couch, rest my legs horizontally on the coffee table, then lift my left leg from the foot to the knee, my left leg soars majestically into the air. When I do the same with my right leg, it’s more like a home-built plane that theoretically can fly but mostly bounces along the ground. Which is to say, I can’t raise the right leg as high, it is clearly limited by the movement of the knee, which is not rotating as it might, due to Runner’s Knee1Officially known as Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome.

But in two days I go in for my first-ever physiotherapy appointment where a sports doctor (I am hoping he will be wearing a sweatband on his forehead and be wearing those cool socks all the runners wore in the 70s) will spend half an hour assessing my current condition, make recommendations and perhaps offer guidance on when it is safe to run again. I suspect a foam roller is in my future, and I am hoping I can start running again soon. Three weeks feels a lot longer than three weeks. It feels like my last run was in 1890, with coal-fired plants belching soot into the sky behind me.

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