Mah site is fixed (somewhat)

After tending to some caching devilry, I seem to have gotten my site back up and mostly functional. It is still in flux, but for now the changes are such:

  • No more colour! Well, very little colour, but it’s mostly a sea of light gray. This will get tweaked.
  • The broad layout of content/sidebar remains. This, too, will get tweaked further.
  • While the layout is pretty much the same, the mono-colour means all the fancy rounded edges have been obliterated. I kind of miss them. I will ponder.
  • Archives and Categories have been demoted and Recent Posts removed.
  • Font Resizer is gone, as are the thumbnails for various links.
  • The links are now in a tidy little list, using Font Awesome icons with a li’l bit of colour (except for the Mastodon elephant, because there’s no non-political FA icon that is not political, and I couldn’t get the FA Mastodon logo to render for reasons).
  • Typography is unchanged (for now).
  • The logo has been made bigger and centred (and given a bit more space between it and the content).

With everything at least working, I will spend some time contemplating what I like and what I will change before diving in and probably wrecking everything again. Excelsior!

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