March 2023 weight loss report: Up 2.2 pounds

Good news: I am still down for the year!

Bad news: I gained 2.2 pounds instead of losing the 1.5 pounds I wanted to.

Mediocre news: This means I didn’t fully undo the weight loss of February, just…most of it.

March has been a tough month and I dealt with it mostly through comfort food, which is wrong and bad, but perhaps understandable.

My goal for April is to keep running regularly, and to get below 160 pounds, the same goal I had for March. The difference is I now have to lose 3.7 pounds to achieve it, nearly a pound per week. It is possible, but it’s going to take a lot of discipline.

I may take up meditation.

Let’s see where I’m at in 30 days!



January 1, 2023: 164.2 pounds 
Current: 163.7 pounds
Year to date: Down 0.5 pounds

March 1: 161.5 pounds
March 31: 163.7 pounds (up 2.2 pounds)

Body fat:

March 1: 23.5%
March 31: 24.1% (up 0.6%) 

Historical: January 1, 2022: 182.8 pounds

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