Let’s face it, I am bad at keeping my resolutions. Let’s assess my success with the ones I made for this year, and then move onto making shiny new ones for 2021.
Note that I did not anticipate 2020 being THE YEAR OF UNENDING HORRIBLENESS when I made these resolutions. I may have been a bit more modest in my goals if I’d known. Perhaps.
- Drop to 150 pounds. Grade: D. I am currently tracking on being up for the year. Massive failure, though with some hope for doing better in the future.
- Be creative. Grade: B. I didn’t really write fiction (I committed to NaNoWriMo then failed to produce a single word), but I did Inktober again, took lots of photos, kept up fairly well on blog posts (don’t count the number of cat pictures). I feel I could have done more if I had been disciplined, so I only give myself a B.
- Exercise at least three times a week. Grade: C+. I actually did not too bad here, but the wheels came off when the days started getting shorter, and the year ended with me being saddled with Plantar Fasciitis.
- Read at least 26 books. Grade: B. I will likely end the year with 20 books read and a few more close to completion. This is one where the pandemic completely disrupted a routine (reading on my daily commute) and I never found a good way to adapt. I actually ended up doing most of my reading this year in the bathtub, which turned out to be a surprisingly pleasant way to read. But I do not have baths ten times a week, so I did not hit 26.
- Eat better. Grade: C+. Maybe I ate marginally better, but there is still work to do.
- Start stretching. Grade: D. I just didn’t start. But now I have orders to, with my foot injury, so there may be hope for 2021.
- Investigate other careers. Grade: C+. I started on this, then the pandemic happened and while I haven’t stopped entirely, my pace in terms of investigation has slowed down.
- Just generally improve. Grade: B-. Considering how awful this year was, I’m happy with a B-.
A pretty middling year. Goodbye, 2020, and good riddance!
My resolutions for 2021 are perhaps the most modest I’ve ever had. We’ll see if I can meet them.
- Drop to 160 pounds. Maybe by setting my sights lower I will achieve more!
- Be creative. Keeping this one from 2020:
- Do one of the following every day (more than one is even better):
- Write a blog post (Note: Jogging/treadmill workouts do not count)
- Write some fiction
- Draw something (maybe Inktober52 would be a good start)
- Take a photo
- Write a song (new for 20201)
- Do one of the following every day (more than one is even better):
- Read at least 20 books. Down from 26. With COVID-19 likely to be a big factor for most of 2021, I think this more modest number is achievable.
- Exercise at least once a week. Down from three times. Again, setting my sights low to see if I can do more.
- Stretch. Any stretching at all.
- Be kinder to everyone, including myself