New Year Resolutions 2024: First month check-in

As noted in New Year resolutions for 2024 I said I would check in every month to see how I was faring. It’s time for Check-in #1!

To recap, my resolutions were (I’ve numbered them this time to make it easier to check progress, but they are not in any particular order):

  1. Get to 150 pounds. But for real this time. Gotta go with the classics.
  2. Finish my prototype game. Title to be revealed soon™.
  3. Complete my blog redesign. Another classic. It could happen!
  4. Revive my newsletter. I am actually working on this now, and have moved from Substack to Buttondown for the hosting.
  5. Complete one of my unfinished novels. Likely either The Mean Mind or Road Closed. I’ve been itching to get back into writing again, and either of these stories will be fun to noodle around on.
  6. Start a new blog or something. I kind of have something in mind, we’ll see what happens.
  7. Focus on:
    • Being happy
    • Staying healthy
    • Bringing good into the world
    • Getting decent sleep, which will help with all of the above
  1. I ended January up 2.6 pounds. Whoops. FAIL (so far).
  2. The game is in progress. I did not expect to have it done by the end of January. IN PROGRESS.
  3. I have actually been working on my blog! IN PROGRESS.
  4. I did not get out the first issue for January as promised, and I am rethinking the whole thing. STATUS TBD.
  5. I have chosen the novel to be completed. IN PROGRESS.
  6. I have not done anything on this yet, but am still mulling. IN PROGRESS.
  7. I am trying to find things that bring me joy. I am trying to reduce snacking (as always). Bringing good into the world? I am making some moves there. The sleep part is going well overall, with stress interfering here and there, but not regularly. Overall, a lot of this is IN PROGRESS but could be better.

So far…not bad, not great, mostly just starting to roll forward. We’ll see if it’s down Sleek Highway of the Future or hurtling toward a cliff. Check back in another month!

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