Yes, it’s fair to say that October was more like Fatober, as I took up eating as a full-time hobby, while at the same time running less due to it getting dark by the time I got home from work and lacking super-spiffy night vision to allow me to run in the dark like a bat. If bats ran. Also, I think they use radar or something, anyway.
So yes, this past month was a disaster for weight loss, even allowing for the start of the month being unusually high, which should have given me an advantage. It did not.
In November I’m hoping we finish converting the spare bedroom into a combo computer/workout room with a treadmill. This will not only allow me to keep running through the winter, it will allow me to run any time at all, which might possibly encourage me to run a bit more. It could happen!
Also, I’m going to try a variation on the no-snacking rule: I can snack all I want on any given day, as long as I burn the same or greater amount of calories through exercise (not everyday activity, actual recorded exercise). We’ll see how well this goes come Fatvember. Er, November.
The lard-filled stats:
October 1: 165 pounds
October 31: 169.1 pounds (up 4.1 pounds) (note: ay caramba)
Year to date: From 167.5 to 169.1 pounds (up 1.6 pounds)
And the body fat:
October 1: 18.4% (30.3 pounds of fat)
October 31: 18.5% (31.2 pounds of fat) (up 0.9 pounds)