A bag of nacho tortilla chips. And I ate the whole bag!
I weighed in at 163.8 pounds this morning. That’s almost seven pounds above my low this year and taking me further away from reaching my goal of 150 pounds, which I should have trivially reached by the end of the year. With two weeks to go, I will probably not even break 160.
But I’m going to try, so I am publicly stating this to the entire interweb to hold myself accountable (I already yelled at myself in my diary):
I vow to not purchase or consume any snacks for the rest of 2022, all 16 days of it!
Let’s see what that big mean scale says on December 31st.
Now, I’m off for some cake. KIDDING.
(I don’t have any cake. Not that I would eat it if I did. I’m pretty sure. No, I mean, I am absolutely 100% sure. Yes. RARR NO CAKE. See?)
Look at how thin and svelte this cat is: