My mom died last night (June 22) at the age of 89. That’s a pretty good run. The last few years of her life were rough–she suffered numerous ailments and had early-onset Alzheimer’s on top of that. I last spoke to her a few weeks ago, and her memory was reduced to things from the distant past. But she seemed to still recognize my voice, and she laughed at my dumb jokes. When she laughed, she sounded the same as she ever did.
She was kind, generous and patient (five kids probably instills a lot of patience). She could also be a bit of a rascal, but was very sneaky about it. No matter how I try, I really can’t think of anything negative to say about her. She was a great person and the world is diminished by her passing. I don’t believe in Heaven or anything, but I do think there is the possibility that something non-physical survives our lumpy old bodies. If that’s the case, I’m sure her soul or whatever it might be is out there is having a good ol’ time wherever it is that souls (or whatever they might be) gather.
I don’t have many photos of her here (she kept most of the family albums), but I was also a bit of a rascal, and loved taking “candid” shots. One I do have is below. It’s a petting zoo, possibly at Knott’s Berry Farm, circa 1974 or 1975. I’m not sure what the goat was doing, but she clearly did not like it.

Thanks for everything, mom. You were the best.