This year, I am not making formal resolutions for 2022. There are things I want to do that I am doing now, I just want to do more of them, or have more specific focus on certain things.
These things include the usual self-improvement:
- Lose weight
- Exercise more (keep running)
- Be generally more kind, thoughtful and generous. I’m not a horrible person now, but why not always try to improve?
They also include hobbies, some of which may help me earn an income in the future:
- Write more (blogging, the newsletter, more fiction)
- Draw more (my own projects, plus some daily or monthly prompts tossed in)
- Photography, uh, more. Birds, scenery, stuff. With my camera or phone, both are good tools.
I also want to expand my knowledge in a few areas in 2022, again with generating moola as the desired endpoint, though knowledge for its own sake is good, too:
- Programming (C#)
- Game development, starting with Unity and C#
- Learning my way around more apps like Affinity Designer, among others
And a few hopes that aren’t resolutions at all:
- Not get sick, including maybe dodging the covid bullet just a little while longer
- That the pandemic will actually end sometime in 2022, and I won’t be repeating this line in a year with 2023 written instead
- Find contentment in small things, while always striving for more. I guess just try to be happy, no matter the circumstances. Assuming happy doesn’t mean retreating from reality. Unless they invent the Matrix, but without the killer robots. I’m up for ducking out in that.
Remember: This is not a list of resolutions for 2022, it just looks like one. Thank you.