Run 417: The weirdly warm river run

Run 417
Average pace: 5:28/km
Location: Brunette River trail
Distance: 5.02 km
Time: 27:31
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 17ºC
Wind: low
BPM: 165
Stride: n/a
Weight: 167.7 pounds
Total distance to date: 3374
Device used: Apple Watch and iPhone 6

Which is not to say I ran in the river, I ran next to it.

My first after-work run of the year went well. The weather–on the last day of March–was more like an early summer day, with the temperature a warm 17ºC.  The sun was still high enough to mostly be out of my eyes, though I had to duck my head a few times. All the more incentive to run faster so I could get to the end of the trail and run back with the sun behind me.

I tried pacing myself in the first km but felt positively springy. That changed to “lungs somewhat on fire” and I moderated until I found my rhythm.  I ended with an average pace of 5:28/km, significantly better than my first few 5Ks of the year, so that was nice.

The color leeching on the Hokas has almost given up after seven(?) runs. The shoes are otherwise performing well. I finished the 5K with no discomfort at all in the left foot, which was also nice.

I keep saying I’m going back to my TomTom Runner Cardio watch but the Apple Watch is already on my wrist and it’s just so convenient (and honestly, it’s easier to use, though the taps aren’t nearly as noticeable as the TomTom’s vibration alerts). Still, I may switch over on the weekend. Maybe.

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