Run 423
Average pace: 5:50/km
Location: Burnaby Lake CCW
Distance: 10.02 km
Time: 58:36
Weather: Sun and high cloud
Temp: 14ºC
Wind: low
BPM: 162
Stride: n/a
Weight: 166.2 pounds
Total distance to date: 3410
Device used: Apple Watch and iPhone 6
It was sunny and warm today and despite the official reported temperature of 14ºC both at the beginning and end of the run, I’m pretty sure the watch was being kooky and it was warmer than that, probably closer to 16 or 18. It was not overly warm, though, just enough to get a very light sweat going.
Today was the actual Vancouver Sun Run so I wasn’t sure how it would affect crowds at the lake. As it turns out there were quite a few people, walkers and joggers alike. And one cyclist who zoomed past me on the Avalon Trail. Grr. There were a few minor incidents of trail-clogging but nothing significant. The side trails proved to be a good choice today as I encountered no one on all three (note, unless otherwise stated, a full 10K loop of the lake will always include the three side trails as they generally get a lot less traffic).
My pace was a lot more deliberate vs. last Sunday as I didn’t want a repeat of the soreness in the upper right leg and on that count, I was successful, as the leg felt much better. I ended up only two seconds off last Sunday, which is still ahead of most of my longer runs this year, so it’s all good.
I also successfully changed music using Siri mid-run. This always feels like a major triumph to me because I expect Siri to automatically garble anything I say while jogging. Stranger still, I felt three of the ten taps that mark off the kilometers while running, the most ever. I also got an annoying Slack notification mid-run and am a bit puzzled why it practically vibrates the bone in my wrist while the ones specifically for running are these minimalist little taps. It seems legitimately backward. I’d say there’s probably a setting but the watch actually has very few and I’ve already turned all the “taptics” up to 11.
The left foot felt a little sore on the walk back but nothing major. My BPM was up slightly from the previous 10K but that is almost certainly due to the warmer weather and greater exertion required.
Overall, I am pleased with today’s effort. I’m also beginning to stretch now in an effort to reduce further injury. I’ll be sure to report any ironic stretching-related injuries here.