Run 473
Average pace: 5:31/km
Location: Burnaby Lake (CCW)
Distance: 5:04 km
Time: 27:51
Weather: Cloudy
Temp: 11-12ºC
Wind: light
BPM: 165
Stride: n/a
Weight: 159 pounds
Total distance to date: 3755 km
Devices/apps: Apple Watch and iPhone 6
I am tentatively planning on attending a NaNoWriMo Write-in Sunday to revive my sputtering novel and so shifted gears and did a run today, Saturday, instead.
It seemed like there were fewer people out and aboot. If this is typical of Saturdays I may have to consider switching weekend run days permanently.
The weather was mild enough for me to opt (wisely) for t-shirt and shorts. Most of the other joggers I saw were bundled up in jackets, gloves, toques and multiple layers. I was sweating just looking at them. I was fine in my usual gear.
The walk to the lake felt strangely effortless, despite me turning in a decent pace. My run was a tad slower than last week but I also felt more relaxed while running, not really pushing at all and also not feeling like I was struggling as before, with that sense of mercy when the run had ended. The pacing pattern matched, with the fast first km, slower second, then progressively faster after that to the end. My BPM was also down, closer to the normal range for runs.
The trail was muddy in spots but puddles had dried. I got a break and managed to miss the rain. Tomorrow looks like it will be soggy. I kind of liked running today because now I can look forward to just lounging about working feverishly on my novel all day tomorrow.
Overall, this was an unspectacular run but given how in frequent the runs have been in the last month, that alone was something worth celebrating.