Run 491: Mini-slugs and surprising no-rain

Run 491
Average pace: 5:15/km
Location: Brunette River trail
Start: 6:24 pm
Distance: 5.03 km
Time: 26:28
Weather: Cloudy
Temp: 12ºC
Wind: light to moderate
BPM: 172
Weight: 164.0 pounds
Total distance to date: 3845 km
Devices/apps: Apple Watch, iPhone

I know myself well enough to realize the best way to get back into regular after dinner runs is to not think about them.

In other words, just change and go. So I did.

I had incentive to run fast–it had been raining hard most of the day and the clouds overhead were fat and dark, just waiting to dump on me. I fairly boogied and kept up the torrid pace even on the walk back. By some miracle, I stayed dry.

I got off to what felt like a solid start and by the midpoint was actually feeling pretty good. I even turned up the pace in the final km, which was my fastest at 5:01/km. My overall pace was a peppy 5:15/km, nine seconds better than Tuesday and 32 (!) seconds faster than Saturday.

This is also the first time in awhile I’ve done three runs in a week, just like in the good old days.

Despite being 12ºC (hooray for yet more unseasonably cool weather), I actually felt pretty comfortable wearing just a t-shirt (well, and shorts. I’m not ready to start pantsless jogging quite yet).

I am pleased by the lack of cramps or other complications and by the general energy level I maintained. I was expecting a lot worse, really.

There were a lot of tiny black slugs on the trail. I have no idea why. The rain, perhaps. That also helped give the run that old-time feel, like when I would run at the lake and it felt less like jogging and more like “dodge the slug” because you don’t really want to squish a bunch of slugs when you’re running.

Overall, a very solid and encouraging effort. Excelsior!

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