Run 509
Average pace: 5:41/km
Location: Brunette River trail and Burnaby Lake (CCW)
Start: 6:42 pm
Distance: 7.02 km
Time: 39:58
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 25ºC
Humidity: 36%
Wind: light
BPM: 161
Weight: 160.6 pounds
Total distance to date: 3947 km
Devices: Apple Watch, iPhone
The weather for tonight’s run looks very similar to Saturday’s but in this case looks are indeed deceiving as it felt much warmer than the 25ºC would seem to indicate. I took preemptive action by starting out at a slower, steady pace and then just tried to stick to it for the entire run. I did find myself slowing a bit more overall around the midway point–by coincidence the same time by body suddenly decided it was a good time to have a bowel movement, even though I told my bowel in a very stern tone to do its business before we headed out. As I’m sure I’ve mentioned before, jostling your innards about while running is not an optimal action when you gotta go.
But I put it out of mind and by the 5K point felt fine. I even felt fine as I wound up at the 7K mark, not nearly as tired and out of breath as on Saturday–a good thing!
I was actually a little concerned about my calves. I’ve been power-walking on my lunch breaks (walking at a pace around 8:45/km or so) and I can definitely feel the muscles stretching as they get worked over by my merciless pace. They were fine for the run, though. I may ease up a little on the walks, anyway. The irony of injuring my leg while walking would be a bit too rich.
Overall, not a fast run but a good run.