Run 510: Cloudy with a chance of speed

Run 510
Average pace: 5:27/km
Location: Brunette River trail and Burnaby Lake (CW)
Start: 6:25 pm
Distance: 7.03 km
Time: 38:23
Weather: Cloudy
Temp: 21ºC
Humidity: 48%
Wind: light
BPM: 156
Weight: 161.4 pounds
Total distance to date: 3954 km
Devices: Apple Watch, iPhone

A few things were different for tonight’s run. It was several degrees cooler and cloudy, so weather-wise it was much nicer for running. I decided to go clockwise on the lake portion instead of counter-clockwise like I normally would.

And the biggest difference: a much faster pace. Compared to Tuesday’s 5:41/km, tonight I came in at 5:27/km, a fairly substantial improvement. I started again with a not-pushing-it pace (5:18/km for the first km) and while I dipped toward the middle as I usually do, I never felt like I was bogging down and regained speed, ending with the last km at the same pace as the first.

The sun poked out for a few moments here and there but that was it.

The other remarkable feature of the run was the clouds apparently scared away everyone else. I saw a few people near the dam as I was starting out and then saw no one else until after I finished my run and was walking past the athletic fields. It gave the run a real Omega Man vibe. It was weird but also kind of nice. Who knew clouds were so scary?

Overall a good effort and a nice bounce back from Tuesday’s hot ‘n humid jog.

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