Run 530: A post-vacation 5K

Run 530
Average pace: 5:17/km
Location: Brunette River trail
Start: 6:35 pm
Distance: 5.03 km
Time: 26:36
Weather: Mostly cloudy
Temp: 21-20ºC
Humidity: 62%
Wind: light
BPM: 166
Weight: 156.9 pounds
Total distance to date: 4124 km
Devices: Apple Watch, iPhone

I was planning on resuming my regular run routine last night (Tuesday) but it was 30ºC, which is kind of stupid hot for running, so settled for a brisk and very sweaty walk at lunch.

Today was much cooler so I went for a basic 5K to reacquaint myself with running on a work night. For the first time in weeks, the temperature went down as I ran instead of up. It was around 20ºC, which, when out of the sun, is cool enough to only produce minimal sweating. It was nice.

I set a more deliberate pace because I wanted to ease back into things but somehow ended up with a pace of 5:17/km again, just like on Saturday. Unlike Saturday, my BPM was still high but a little more sane at 166.

No issues during the run save for a few crampy moments caused, not by the run, but by actual gas.

I wore my new medium Nike shorts and while they fit okay, I’m thinking the large size would probably work, too. These are the same shorts that I have always bought in the small size before (and have three other pairs of small size that continue to fit fine, so it’s not like I’ve magically expanded). The shorts were fine, though they looked like they were, uh, shorter than the others I have. I could see the tan lines on my legs, especially the left leg. It was strangely distracting on the way to the river. Fortunately I don’t stare at my legs while actually running.

Overall, a solid effort.

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