Run 576
Average pace: 6:00/km
Location: Burnaby Lake (CCW)
Start: 1:21 pm
Distance: 5:04 km
Time: 30:19
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 20ºC
Humidity: 49%
Wind: moderate
BPM: 161
Weight: 167.3 pounds
Total distance to date: 4465 km
Devices: Apple Watch, iPhone 8
Exactly three weeks after my last run I headed out again to Burnaby Lake, where the temperature was almost twice what it was 21 days ago. It was pleasant and warm, but not hot. I only felt a slight trickle of sweat on my forehead on the walk back out.
The run itself was a labor, not of love, but of labor. The first km started slower than the average pace of my last run at 5:50/km and got slower from there, with a downright slothful pace of 6:00/km. On the plus side, I really was not trying to push things with the long time off, I was running while still suffering the effects of an allergic reaction to antibiotics, and my BPM was actually only 161, which it would not have been with three weeks off if I had been pushing.
The knees seemed fine. The right kneecap made its presence known, but it didn’t actually get sore or anything. Both knees felt a little sore on the walk back, which has been the case before. The walk back was a mix of running and walking, also similar to my last few 5Ks at the lake. I’ll walk until I feel rested, then jog until I no longer feel rested. I think it’s mostly because ending a 5K at the lake always leaves me feeling it will take days to walk the rest of the way, so I run partway instead.
The trail was in fine shape and packed with plenty of people due to the nice weather. No incidents to report, though traffic got a bit crowded a couple of times. Running Room had an event, but the actual run part was over, so I only saw the usual eight or so joggers. No one jogged past me, so I was saved the mild embarrassment of that.
The old bridge at Still Creek has been completely removed now. If you’re feeling tired, the new bridge presents a minor obstacle as it arches over the water instead of being completely flat. It’s a nice bridge, though. It’s shiny. I mean it’s literally shiny.
Geese were out with their goslings. The goslings are adorable. The preponderance of goose poop less so.
Overall, while a tad slower than I would have liked (I hate hitting the six minute mark), the run went about as well as expected given the time since the last one. Maybe this week I really will start running regularly again. We shall see.