Run 619 Average pace: 5:53/km Location: Burnaby Lake (CW) Start: 11:25 pm Distance: 5.02 km Time: 29:32 Weather: Sunny Temp: 23ºC Humidity: 51% Wind: light BPM: 161 Weight: 166.2 pounds Total distance to date: 4675 km Devices: Apple Watch Series 2, iPhone 8 Shoes: Saucony Switchback ISO (30 km)
It was not quite as warm today as Monday, but I ended up sweating more because the heat/humidity mix was leaning a little more to the “you’re going to sweat” side of things.
Today’s run was interesting in how much it was the same, yet different, than the previous one.
BPM was identical at 161. Average pace differed by a mere second, and total time by only 10 seconds. Spread over 5 km, that’s pretty tiny.
The difference today was in how the overall run played out. I started faster and ended faster, but found a steadier, but slower pace in-between the two. This made for a run that felt a lot more comfortable. I felt perfectly fine until heading into the final km. At this point when running clockwise at the lake, the trail is pretty open, meaning the sun is beating down on you most of the time. I was also starting to get a wee bit tired, and the extra exertion to maintain pace was being felt. It still wasn’t bad, though, and certainly not like Monday’s run.
And yes, I meant to run yesterday, but I had an intense bout of vacation laziness I could not overcome.
The left foot was again a bit sore starting out, but not too bad after. I wonder if the orthotic is starting to just get old and I’m feeling the True Foot Experience more now. Maybe I’ll follow up on that next week.
Conditions were otherwise good. A few runners, some walkers, one over-exuberant and unleashed lab (I called out to the owner my favorite three words for dog owners: Leash your dog. I did this twice, to make sure she heard. I don’t think she did, if you know what I mean.)
Another difference with today’s run vs. Monday’s is how I felt after. Monday I was pooped and made a few token efforts to run after finishing the 5K. Today I walked the first post-run km, then ran almost the entire length of what would have been the 7th km of the run. I repeated this a few times, running for longer stretches than normal. I felt positively zippy, which bodes well for the eventual tackling of a full 10K (possibly soon™).
Overall, a good run, despite the deceptively minimal change in performance.