I planned to do a walk/run combo today, with an eye on the weather, as a heavy rainfall warning was still in effect. It was dry when I headed out and a fair bit cooler at only 13C, but with only a light breeze blowing it didn’t feel bad.
Today is a stat holiday so I expected to see a few more people out on the river trail, despite the gloom and sure enough there were. For some reason, their presence sufficiently annoyed me into thinking the lake would be better, so I wrapped up my walk, headed to the lake and did a 5K loop around the northern side trails.
There were people at the lake, too, some ill-prepared for the weather, but the weather itself got progressively nicer as I ran, with the sun poking out at one point. It was not to last.
As I neared the 2.5K turnaround point, a group of three people ahead of me were fanned out, blocking my way. I called out “Behind you” to alert them to my presence–I was on the left (passing lane). The guy directly in front of me opted to just suddenly stop moving, apparently thinking this was the correct course of action. And it is, if a collision is the desired result. I slowed down and he moved aside at the last moment, realizing the error in his plan.
The run was otherwise uneventful. I started out with what I thought was a deliberately slow pace but was actually 5:44/km. I ended with an overall pace one entire second faster than my last run. Woo. The splits did not show the usual renewed energy in the last few km. I guess I was tired, or maybe just not trying to push. Yeah, that’s it.
Still, it was an otherwise fine run, especially since I hadn’t intended on doing one today.
As for the weather, the rain began on the walk back, when I was in Lower Hume Park (about 1.5 km from home), so I didn’t get utterly drenched or anything.
Here’s a shot of the lake post-run when the sky was shifting back to ominous-portents-of-rain:

Run 660 Average pace: 6:07/km Location: Burnaby Lake (CCW) Start: 2:32 p.m. Distance: 5.03 km Time: 30:46 Weather: Cloudy Temp: 13ºC Humidity: 86% Wind: light BPM: 156 Weight: 177.9 Total distance to date: 4905 km Devices: Apple Watch Series 5, iPhone 12 Shoes: Brooks Caldera 5 (35 km)