I ate one more cookie today. I had to, in order to be rid of them. It was like a mercy killing. A delicious, chocolate chip-filled mercy killing.
But that was it for snacking today. I was otherwise good. I didn’t go for my normal walk/run but Monday is usually a day I take off because Mondays–cliches be damned–usually drag on interminably and are generally awful. Which today was.
I did go for two 15-minute walks, which is better than a kick in the pants, as they old saying goes.
Much to my cookie-laden surprise, I was down in weight this morning, coming in at 170.5 pounds. I am no longer going to guess what the next day will bring for my weight, because my body obviously moves to its own mystic rhythms.
But if I’m down again tomorrow, I’ll be rooting for more mystic rhythms in the future.