Snack-free, Day 6 of 30: Snack-free!

I have had no snacks today.

I had breakfast, dinner and two leftover slices of pizza for lunch.

I also did a 5K run at Burnaby Lake, my total distance for the day as I write this is 22.75 km.

The one down note was my weight, which was not down but up. Up 1.6 pounds, to be exact, to 172.7 pounds. Boo. This is not unexpected, though, as I ate a truckload of pizza and drank a ton of fizzy (but calorie-free) beverages after because pizza makes me very, very thirsty.

I may actually be up tomorrow for the same reason, as I have drank my approximate body weight again today due to the leftover pizza, and the long workout. But you never know, because bodies are weird and mysterious things.

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