Today is the first day I vowed to go 100% absolutely, positively, no-questions-asked, no excuses made, snack-free.
How did I do?
I did it!
As of 9:22 p.m. as I type this, I have not had any snacks today. I have not eaten any of the following since getting up this morning:
- Cookies
- Crackers
- Chocolate
- Donuts
- Potato chips
- Tortilla chips
- Poker chips
I also did an 8.4 km walk, but did eat some bacon. If I’m up tomorrow in weight, I’ll blame the bacon. I assume it is like lead and adds way more to your body that you would judge from its appearance.
One day down, eight to go! I mean, if I do all eight, I’l keep going, but baby steps and all that.