Star Trek: The Animated Series, which aired 1973-1974, was kind of like the fourth season of the original series, with most of the cast returning to voice their characters, and a lot of the series’ writers onboard, too.
It just had one small problem: the animation was terrible. It was a Saturday morning cartoon, and in the 70s that meant cheap animation done quick.
My idea: Take the original voice work and redo the animation to modern standards. It could be a bit stylized, and you’d probably want to keep it non-CGI, but there’s a galaxy of room for improvement here. Sound effects and music could be retained, or reworked, on a case-by-case basis.
Package up the refurbished episodes (22 in total) and put them on a nice Blu-ray with bonus material and doodads. Also make them available for streaming. Oh, and include the original versions of the episodes, for purists who prefer terrible animation.
Make it so! (I know, wrong series. Kirk doesn’t have any good catchphrases that fit here.)