Oh Amazon, I am not resubbing to Prime again, no matter your dark patterny insistence that I really ought to

I try to avoid ordering from Amazon at all now, but occasionally they really seem to be the only option for certain items. When I order, it pleads with me to resubscribe to Amazon Prime by interrupting any purchase with this screen:

The part I need to click to continue with my order is that blue text toward the bottom left (I have made it considerably larger here for legibility):

After this, the observant shopper might notice the total price seems higher than it should be. That’s because if you’ve added enough to your cart to qualify for free shipping ($35 or more), Amazon will still select paid shipping for you, so you can save two entire days time in getting your items1Which is not guaranteed, of course. After selecting the “No, I prefer free and waiting an entire 48 hours longer” option, it will finally let you process the transaction.

I would not object to federal legislation that:

  • Banned this screen altogether
  • Or forced Amazon (or any offending company) to make the “No thanks, SKIP” option the top and largest thing on the page. The page would look like this:

Anyway, Amazon is a bad company and every executive that is part of it should feel bad. I also feel bad. I’ll buy something local and artisanal next time to compensate.

Instagram: Don’t fear the dark (pattern)

In case for a brief moment you thought the people behind Instagram weren’t committed to being awful, check this TechCrunch article on how they have changed the daily time limit option so that the minimum time before you can have the app warn you to take a break is now 30 minutes, instead of 10, and also made the longest option (3 hours) the first one at the top of the list.

I don’t know that the people designing this stuff actually believe they’re fooling anyone, but they are bad and should feel bad. I can’t wait for everything Meta owns to crash and burn.

Instagram quietly limits ‘daily time limit’ option