Circle beats the squircle: A Birchtree dream

Last night I had a dream featuring Matt Birchler. I have never met Matt. He is a celebrity of sorts in the Apple tech scene, who has a YouTube channel (A Better Computer), a blog (Birchtree), a podcast (Comfort Zone) and probably half a dozen other projects. He writes articles for various tech sites. He also has an unrelated full-time job in UI/UX.

He is a busy guy.

I came across him via his blog and follow him on Mastodon, where much of the former Mac community from Twitter has migrated to.

One of his passions is UX and design (which works out well for him, because it’s also his job). In the dream, we are hanging out in a living room (?) somewhere and discussing design, as one does. Specifically, we are nodding in agreement over how circles provide more space for information over squircles (the rounded-off square icons you see everywhere on Apple devices these days). This is, of course, nonsense. Literally the opposite is true, but in the dream we were right, and the world was wrong.

Then I suggested we play something on “Game Center” on an Apple TV nearby and the dream ended, or at least my recollection of it did.

I’m not a big squircle fan, so I think the dream was just trying to accommodate that. Thanks, subconscious!