The bonus energy run

Run 361
Average pace: 4:59/km
Location: Brunette River
Distance: 5.05 km
Time: 25:12
Weather: Mainly clear
Temp: 20-22ºC
Wind: light
Calories burned: 366
Total distance to date: 3014
Device used: iPhone 5c

Tonight’s route was a 5K loop of the Brunette River. Going in I was not sure what to expect. I felt very tired after the commute home but I was wearing my lucky shorts. But my lucky shorts really need to be washed and I’m sure the odor from them knocked out any nearby wildlife while I ran.

Conditions were nice, with mild temperatures and the sun low enough to not shine directly in my eyes. I surprised myself with a brisk first km (pace of 4:42/km). Despite the usual second km drop-off (tonight it was a 7% drop) and a slower finish I managed to move nimbly enough to get my first finish under five minutes in a good long while. My average pace came in at 4:59/km.

Unlike Tuesday I didn’t experience any weird soreness and my energy level felt solid throughout. I even pushed toward mid-run, feeling things were going well. Some cramps threatened toward the end but never quite materialized. It’s possible they may have slowed me down in the last km, alas.

Still, this was the best 5K in some time and a welcome recovery from the poop run on Tuesday. Excelsior!

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