Run 338
Average pace: 5:29/km
Location: Burnaby Lake (CW)
Ran Spruce Loop, Conifer Loop and Piper Mill Trail
Distance: 10.03 km
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 16-26ºC
Wind: nil to light
Calories burned: 771
Total distance to date: 2827
This was the earliest I’ve headed out on a run, taking advantage of my vacation time to skip sleeping in and run lots instead.
I headed out shortly before 8 a.m. and officially started my run at 8:33 a.m. The temperature was showing around 16ºC when I left, though it was probably a bit warmer by the time I started, and was up to 26ºC (!) when I finished, though it was perhaps a degree or two lower given how rapidly it was rising.
Still, it was noticeably cooler on the run–not actually cool, mind you, just cooler than the sweltering jungle-like heat that has persisted for such an unusually long time. I actually saw dew on shaded grass!
I started out clockwise and was perhaps not surprised to encounter many other joggers and walkers taking advantage of the early morning temperature. It seemed a bad omen when I encountered a cyclist right at the start but I spotted no others after that and apart from someone smoking (this seems inevitable once they post the “Fire Danger – No Smoking” signs, everyone else was being polite and such.
I could tell I was slower from the start but my objective today was not to break any land speed records, but to simply complete a full loop of the lake, something I hadn’t done since July 6–almost a full month ago. I was partly successful in that I did 10K and could have kept going but given my slower pace, the loop would have ended a bit shy of the 11K mark and I like even numbers so 10K it was.
If my pace improves even a small amount for the next run I should be able to so a full 11K.
Other than the slow pace of 5:29/km–and that was proportionally faster than my last 5K–the body held up fairly well. My left foot and hip both behaved and I only felt a slight stitch in my side for a few km toward the end. It affected my pace but probably not by more than a few seconds and wasn’t entirely unexpected given how long it’s been since I’ve done a full run.
Still, this leaves me confident that I can manage at least the same if not better on Wednesday. We shall see.