Back on September 12th I didn’t realize my run that day would turn out to be the last for the summer but I was aching by the time I finished and my right ankle was quite sore. I opted to stay off it and give it time to get better.
Fast forward to today, October 14th, one month and two days later. I finally summoned the wherewithal to do a 5K run and see how things go.
The Good: The weather was great, 15ºC, sunny with a light breeze. I felt no discomfort while running apart from some mild cramping as my lungs were forced to actually work.
The Bad: After a spry first km time of 4:47 my times fell off the cliff. Not surprising at all, so I’m not disappointed. My average pace was 5:13/km, 1:28 slower than my fastest 5K. Number of seconds added each km: 11 (!), 8, 5, 2.
The Ugly: Although my ankle did not hurt during the run and does not hurt to walk on now, I can feel it and this concerns me. Four weeks off should have healed it up properly, so my worry is that there may be some kind of hairline fracture in one of the stupid bones down there. I may get it x-rayed. I’m tentatively prepared to do a follow-up run on Sunday but the ankle shall be the judge of that. Please be nice, Mr. Ankle!
km | time |
1 km | 4:47 |
2 km | 4:58 |
3 km | 5:06 |
4 km | 5:11 |
5 km | 5:13 |