The fickle June run

Average pace: 4:53/km

Location: Burnaby Lake, CW
Distance: 12.5 km
Weather: Sun, hazy sun
Temp: 22ºC
Wind: moderate
Calories burned: 890
Total distance to date: 1475 km

Ran Piper Mill Trail, Conifer and Spruce Loops.

The last run was soggy and cold so today’s was the opposite, warm and sunny. This is June.

Because it was warmer I opted to run clockwise, taking the detour first, my logic being that this section, which is entirely open and exposed, would be easier at the start of the run when I had lots of energy than at the end when I might be feeling a little pooped.

The logic was sound but halfway through the sun became hazy sun and the hazy sun was cloud by the time I finished.

My first km was strong then I dropped off quite a bit as the heat hit me. I maintained fairly well after that, though and finished with a respectable 4:53/km pace. I also squeezed out as much distance as I could and ended up with my second longest run to date, 12.56 km. Legs fine, left foot was tolerable.

Overall a decent run on a decent day.

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