Average pace: 5:17/km
Location: Burnaby Lake (CCW)
Ran Spruce and conifer Loops and Piper Mill Trail
Distance: 5.03 km
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 13-12ºC
Wind: light
Calories burned: 398
Total distance to date: 2541 km
With a little more time than usual to run tonight I opted to walk to Burnaby Lake, run to Still Creek (5K) then walk to the Burnaby Lake SkyTrain station and ride home in (sweaty and stinky) style.
I figured my pace would probably fall somewhere between the slog of Sunday’s run and the zippy pace of last Wednesday’s and I was right, coming in at 5:17/km. I was a bit concerned at the start when my legs were feeling a little creaky just from the walk. There were times during the run that the muscles started to burn nicely. Bu nicely I do not mean it was a nice sensation.
It got better as I kept going, though.
There seems to be a pattern in these early runs. I either end up battling endurance and/or getting a stitch or I find my pace and as a result find my muscles and tendons really feeling the extra bit of exertion. I have yet to discern what triggers each particular pattern (I’ll take the latter over the former, though–getting a stitch while running sucks).
In all I am pleased with the run. Faster would be better but I’m improving slowly and it’s only early April. I’m sure I’ll be reasonably zippy by the time I’m complaining about it being too hot (it was over 13ºC to start the run, downright balmy for the early April).