The in-stitches run

Run 366
Average pace: 5:49/km
Location: Burnaby Lake (CW)
Distance: 5.09 km
Time: 29:38
Weather: Foggy early then clear
Temp: 5-8ºC
Wind: light to nil
Calories burned: 397
Total distance to date: 3040
Device used: iPhone 6

It was foggy and chilly heading out this morning so I opted for a long-sleeved t-shirt and was glad I did as the mist was not the sort of thing you’d cuddle up on the couch with.

Today’s run was a mix of good and bad. On the good side, I actually improved my pace over the last two km and my post-run recovery was much faster than the previous week. Additionally, my drop-off from the first to second km was not as steep (11% vs. 16%).

On the bad side, my overall pace and time was slower. This was mainly due to developing a stitch in my lower left side during the first km. It stubbornly persisted through most of the run and instead of going away it migrated up into my chest where it hurt in a different way. My first km in particular suffered, being much slower, before I managed to pick things up a little. Still, it was a decidedly unpleasant run. Here’s hoping I can run stitch-free next time and see some real improvement.

The other thing of note was the complete bobbling of the new large-pocket Spibelt™® at the start of the run. Purchased to accommodate my larger iPhone 6, I not only failed to stuff the phone into the belt before the run timer started, I managed to get the run paused, restarted and paused several times before it finally seemed to sort of work. I say sort of because while it did indeed track the run, the sound coming from the phone sounded like something you’d hear from a speaker with a loose wire, with a weird cutting out/fuzziness. My guess is a clash between the earphone connector on the phone and the zipper of the belt. Oddly, I never had the issue with the iPhone 5c.

I may need to practice with the belt before the next run.

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