Average pace: 5:28/km
Location: Burnaby Lake, CCW
Ran Piper Mill, Spruce and Conifer Loop trails
Distance: 11.01 km
Weather: Cloudy
Temp: 16-18ºC
Wind: light
Calories burned: 795
Total distance to date: 2125 km
This was my first ‘real’ run after hopefully having sorted out the calibration weirdness that suddenly came up on my iPod. The weather was seasonal, temperature-wise, and cloudy, as is normal for the Victoria Day weekend. It had been over a week since I’d last been out and I’m still feeling some of the effects from the lingering cold (mostly tiredness and a stuffy head) so I was not expecting a blistering pace.
I completed just over 11K, a full loop around the lake and ran all three optional trails. My pace started a little under 5:00/km but sagged well before the halfway mark, not a surprising thing. My stamina held up nicely despite the tiredness so I’m sure my times will improve as I feel better. I also suspect that the new iPod + sensor combo is tracking at a slower pace than the iPod alone had and may be more accurately reflecting my fitness level given how few runs I’ve done so far this year.
The one troubling aspect is not my right Achilles tendon (which feels fine after a run if it’s limber) but rather the pad on my left foot, which continues to vex me. A ways past the halfway point I could feel it and though I kept a steady pace I’m fairly certain it’s inhibiting my overall speed. The worst part came at the end of the run and the walk back home. It hurts a lot more to walk on it than to run.
Two weird parts to this: it began before I resumed my running, so seems unrelated to it and secondly, it seems to pretty much become a non-issue if I give it a little rest. Even just stopping on the walk back for a minute or so and flexing the foot will make a noticeable difference. I may have to see one of those fancy footologists about this after my yearly physical.
Apart from my dumb foot, the run went about as well as I’d hoped. I’m planning on another run tomorrow, so we’ll see how that goes. Foot, I order you to behave.