Run 386
Average pace: 5:17/km
Location: North Thompson River Trail (Kamloops)
Distance: 5.06 km
Time: 26:46
Weather: Cloudy, some sun
Temp: 23ºC
Wind: light to none
Calories burned: 374
Weight: 159.6 pounds
Total distance to date: 3152
Device used: iPhone 6
For a change of pace I decided to run in Kamloops, some 400 km or so away from Vancouver.
By coincidence my partner’s sister’s daughter was having her high school graduation/convocation ceremony around the same time so we hitched the trailer to the truck and made a good ol’ camping trip out of it (more on that in other posts).
After some unseasonal rain, it was not overly warm for the run (Kamloops has what is probably the closest to a desert terrain in Canada), hitting about 23ºC. High cloud blocked the sun for the most part so conditions were pretty good.
I ran along a dike that parallels the Thompson River as it is conveniently a few blocks away from the sister’s house. The only downside is that it was relatively short, only about 2 km in length. I decided to do a 5K so I could get a direct comparison to other recent 5Ks. My pace of 5:17/km was a couple of seconds slower than my last 5K, so not much difference. Physically the biggest change was probably elevation, as Kamloops is 345 m above sea level, compared to where I normally run, which is roughly 0 m above sea level, give or take a meter or two. As it turned out, that’s not enough of a difference to have made me pass out from thin air or anything. It felt mostly like any other run.
There were a few people out walking dogs and the desire to let dogs roam free (ie. off-leash) seems universal, though the majority were either leashed or were down closer to the river, running through the tall grass and collecting brain-destroying ticks and keeping out of my way. Other than that the run was fairly ordinary, though I’d have preferred a faster pace. I’m still inching (centimetering?) toward peak form, so that’s probably still a ways off yet.