The Little Honda run

Distance: 10.02 km
Weather: Cloudy
Temp: 15-18ºC
Wind: light
Calories burned: 700
Average pace: 5:24/km
Total distance to date: 791 km

Things I don’t normally see on a run that I saw today:

  • a lesbian couple kissing in midfield
  • a guy doing a test-lap around the path on a motorized scooter
  • a spare tire near one of the baseball diamonds
  • a polite, knowledgeable dog owner. Haha, just kidding. I have seen more than one of these. I think.

I started the run at my lightest weight of the year, a svelte 145.5 pounds.

The big question today was how would my knee hold up and the answer is: better than Wednesday, not as well as Monday. I could definitely feel it but it wasn’t enough to significantly slow my performance. In fact, the entire run was beset my minor discomforts, ranging from my lower back starting to ache, a brief flare-up in my left ankle and recurring heartburn/acid reflux (the latter may be due to a late slice of pepperoni pizza last night, though neither pizza nor pepperoni normally gives me heartburn). I was fearing my time by the end of the run but was pleasantly surprised that I actually came in one second faster than Monday’s 10K (5:24/km) and had my best first 2 km this year (4:53/km for 1K and 5:01/km for 2K). My strong start couldn’t overcome the flagging in the final 2 km, though. I was feeling pretty pooped by the end.

Joan also piped up to congratulate me on another 500 km toward my goal of reaching Mars. As always, thanks Joan!

On a final note, I mistakenly ran clockwise for the second run in a row. I normally alternate but for some reason got things mixed up today. No harm, but wanted to make it clear the chart is accurate.

Chart (blue indicates the run was done clockwise):

km Jun 18 Jun 16 Jun 13 Jun 11 Jun 8 Jun 6 Jun 2 May 31
1 km 4:53 5:05 5:02 4:59 5:04 5:05 5:00 5:05
2 km 5:01 5:09 5:07 5:05 5:10 5:13 5:10 5:13
3 km 5:04 5:13 5:10 5:10 5:14 5:20 5:16 5:18
4 km 5:09 5:16 5:14 5:14 5:16 5:25 5:20 5:22
5 km 5:13 5:19 5:18 5:18 5:18 5:23 5:25
6 km 5:15 5:20 5:21 5:20 5:26 5:29
7 km 5:18 5:21 5:23 5:21 5:28 5:31
8 km 5:21 5:22
9 km 5:23 5:24
10 km 5:24 5:25

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