The new short run program

Average pace: 4:50/km
Location: Brunette River trail
Distance: 5.03 km
Weather: Sun
Temp: 19ºC
Wind: nil
Calories burned: 364
Total distance to date: 2240 km

I’m trying an experiment where at least one of my weekly runs will be split into two shorter 5 km runs, to help reduce the stress on my left foot and (to a lesser extent) my right Achilles tendon.

With the cushy new shoes on I found that I was able complete the full 5K without my left foot experiencing any kind of discomfort and I ended with a respectable 4:50/km pace. With the unfinished gravel path in Lower Hume Park being rather lumpy, my fastest stretch was actually during the second km.

The only real discomfort take from the utter lack of wind. Once the temperature starts warming up a small breeze makes a big difference. Without it the air feels dead and breathing feels harder, even if it really isn’t.

Not much else to report. A short, decent run.

Oh, one more thing–I’ve decided to retire the “______ run” shtick. I’m just going to use whatever title comes to mind, whether it’s blah (like tonight), zany or just plain ordinary.

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