Run 387
Average pace: 5:14/km
Location: Brunette River trail
Distance: 5.03 km
Time: 26:20
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 25ºC
Wind: light to none
Calories burned: 371
Weight: 159.3 pounds
Total distance to date: 3157
Device used: iPhone 6
After missing Sunday’s usual run (due to travel back from the mountains/boonies) I was concerned how my first run in four days would pan out. It was sunny and warm but pleasantly so. The run was faster than my previous 5K and one of my better efforts of the year so overall I was pleased with the result. I experienced no noteworthy issues.
I was originally planning to do another 7K river/lake combo run but due to YASP (Yet Another SkyTrain Problem) I got home later than usual and opted for the basic 5K. 5:14/km may not be lightning fast but I can guarantee that for about two hours I was definitely running faster than the Expo Line trains.