Run 370
Average pace: 5:59/km
Location: Burnaby Lake (CCW)
Distance: 5.03 km
Time: 30:06
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 16-21ºC
Wind: moderate
Calories burned: 385
Weight: 166 pounds
Total distance to date: 3060
Device used: iPhone 6
I skipped the run last Sunday because I was feeling fat and lazy. I was also actually fat and lazy.
Vowing not to skip again, I suited up today under unusually summer-like conditions, with clear skies and the temperature climbing to a balmy 21ºC by the end of the run.
On the plus side, I experienced no issues in terms of cramps or other discomfort, there were no cyclists on the trail, the two large groups of walkers I encountered were well-organized and didn’t block my way and the weather, of course, was gorgeous. Although it felt warm it was not uncomfortable (the lip-smacking is in reference to my mouth and lips feeling dry, something I wouldn’t normally expect in mid-April conditions. The trail itself was in good condition, having been dry for some days, so no puddle-dodging required.
The one bad part, other than the left foot feeling sore post-run (most keenly on the last 2.5 km of the walk home) was my pace. I was super slow, managing to come in 17 seconds over my previous pace on Easter. It was my first 5K in a long time in which I finished with a time over 30 minutes. Within the first few hundred meters I knew it was going to be a slog and I simply could not muster any gas to even finish with a pseudo-sprint. Put it this way: my first km was 5:34/km. I was in danger of having feisty old grannies walking by me.
I dropped 19% after 2 km to 6:38/km before finding some small reserve of energy, finishing each of the next three km with a pace of 5:54 or 5:55/km. I am somewhat encouraged that at least the bottom didn’t keep falling out. I am further mollified by the fact that I ran at the same pace three years ago, on April 16 2012. I am less mollified that it was a 10K run. I probably would have ended a 10K today curled up in a ball near the side of the trail.
Still, my plan is to resume my thrice-weekly runs starting this week, so the next is set for Tuesday. I’ll gauge in the next week or so if I’m ready to jump back into 10Ks again.
I’ve also added my weight to the stats at the top of each jogging post to see if it correlates at all. I’m currently 166 pounds, with a target of 150 pounds (my average weight in 2012 when running was around 145 pounds). Will shedding those 16 pounds make me fly like an eagle, albeit an eagle with strangely human legs? We shall see.