Today the sky was blue. This may seem like no big thing in the middle of August, even in Vancouver where the weather is known to be a bit on the soggy side.
What makes today’s blue sky so amazing and wonderful is that it’s the first time in about two weeks that the sky has been anything but a dull, yellow-tinged gray, thanks to the interminable smoke haze from forest fires a-far. The combination of a very strong high pressure ridge and smoke finally broke today with some southwesterly (re: normal) marine wind moving in. The haze isn’t 100% gone yet but it’s very minimal–the North Shore mountains are visible again. It’s like coming out of The Mist to discover the world is still there, which also happens to be an ending that is a thousand times better than the movie version.
With the promise of overnight showers, the rest of that stupid fine particulate matter should hopefully settle to the ground, which means the run on Monday should be much more pleasant–even if it’s raining!