The soggy, sunny and faster run

Run 373
Average pace: 5:12/km
Location: Brunette River trail
Distance: 5.03 km
Time: 26:11
Weather: Sun/rain mix
Temp: 12ºC
Wind: light
Calories burned: 382
Weight: 164.2 pounds >0.4
Total distance to date: 3075
Device used: iPhone 6

For the first time this year I ran on the Brunette River trail and I ran on an actual regular schedule, heading out only two days after my last run. Zounds.

The sky looked generally non-threatening, apart from one fat black cloud skating over the area. I felt a few drops on the walk to the trail but nothing more…until I got to the trail, at which point the fat black cloud opened up. At the same time the sun came out so the first two km of the run was a weird mix of sunshine and steady rain. It stopped after that and I dried quickly, so it was a good opportunity to overcome my usual distaste for running in the rain.

The best news, though, was my pace. I was definitely feeling more energetic and finished with a pace of 5:12/km, a full 30 seconds better than Sunday’s run and still 24 seconds better than my best pace of the year. I broke the 5:00/km mark on the first km and held up decently after. It was nice to see some good numbers after plodding along.

Also, likely because of the weather (it was also only 12ºC, not exactly balmy) I did not see a single other person on the trail during the run. I felt a bit like the Omega man.

My next run is set for Thursday. Here’s hoping I can at least come close to matching tonight’s pace. Excelsior!

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