The ‘This is spring!’ run

Average pace: 4:31/km
Location: Brunette River trail
Distance: 5.06 km
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 12ºC
Wind: light
Calories burned: 355
Total distance to date: 2075 km

The weather was about perfect for today’s run and it was my first of the month where I wore a short-sleeved shirt (and didn’t feel cold, to boot).

I was again mindful of how my stamina is not quite there yet and paced myself deliberately for the first km or so. The last few again felt much better and I finished with my best time to date of the four 5K runs this month, coming in at 4:31/km.

The only note of caution was my right ankle feeling a bit tweaked. This isn’t related to the tendon and I’m pretty sure it was just strained because I had spent a lot of time today at work crouched down while working on computers. Everything feels fine now that I’ve rested and there was never any pain, just soreness. Still, worth noting now in case it does become an issue. Heck, I’ll even add the ‘stupid ankle’ tag just for the heck of it.

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