The unexpected run

Distance: 10.02 km
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 20ºC
Wind: light breeze
Calories burned: 701
Average pace: 5:20/km
Total distance to date: 867 km

The unexpected part of this run is how it turned out much better than I had hoped.

I decided to wait an extra day after Wednesday’s run because my right shin, though not hurting at all to walk, was a bit sensitive when pressure was applied in the right (or wrong, according to my shin) spot. I have been erring on the side of caution this year to prevent injury so instead of running on Friday I ran today.

Because I had plans in the evening, I broke my usual rule and ran in the mid-afternoon sun. It was 20ºC so not hot but when the breeze died down it still felt plenty warm. I knew after the first two km that I had started out too fast and was concerned that I would lag in the middle part of the run and have a slower overall time as a result. I had also made the mistake of not eating lunch beforehand (I was thinking of having it after the run), which meant I was running with minimal fuel. This, combined with the warmth, made the run feel much harder. By the time I got to the last km I really wanted it to be over.

My hunch on the start was correct — I posted a brisk 4:58/km on the first km and then did the exact same on the second. I then dropped five seconds from 2K to 3K and another four going from 3K to 4K, so I did indeed start flagging in the middle. However, I managed to find a steadier rhythm after that and ended with an overall pace of 5:20/km, a quite good result (third fastest 10K, only 3 seconds off my best run) and a full 11 seconds better than my last effort.

A group of people doing some kind of weird orienteering/weigh-in/whatever thing were annoyingly clustering on one part of the trail a number of times through the run but other than that there were no other unusual events to report.

Chart (blue indicates the run was done clockwise):

km Jul 9 Jul 6 Jul 4 Jul 1 Jun 28 Jun 26 Jun 23 Jun 21 Jun 18
1 km 4:58 5:08 4:58 5:04 4:58 4:59 4:59 5:00 4:53
2 km 4:58 5:11 5:02 5:06 5:03 5:05 5:05 5:04 5:01
3 km 5:03 5:14 5:08 5:07 5:05 5:10 5:09 5:07 5:04
4 km 5:07 5:17 5:12 5:09 5:08 5:13 5:12 5:11 5:09
5 km 5:10 5:20 5:14 5:11 5:11 5:15 5:15 5:14 5:13
6 km 5:12 5:22 5:15 5:12 5:13 5:19 5:15 5:15
7 km 5:15 5:25 5:17 5:14 5:15 5:21 5:17 5:18
8 km 5:17 5:27 5:19 5:16 5:16 5:23 5:19 5:21
9 km 5:19 5:30 5:21 5:17 5:18 5:25 5:20 5:23
10 km 5:20 5:31 5:21 5:17 5:19 5:27 5:21 5:24
11 km 5:19

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