The very crowded boardwalk run

Run 371
Average pace: 5:36/km
Location: Burnaby Lake (CW)
Distance: 5.03 km
Time: 28:13
Weather: Cloudy, some sun
Temp: 14-16ºC
Wind: moderate
Calories burned: 384
Weight: 165 pounds <1
Total distance to date: 3065
Device used: iPhone 6

After the abysmal effort of last Sunday I knew I was bound to do better today. And I did, hooray!

My pace of 5:36/km is slow in the grand scheme of my running but is my best pace so far this year. I didn’t feel tired heading out and even had enough pep to push a tiny bit during several stretches. I started out strangely disoriented, as for the first time in awhile I began thinking about other things while running (good) and was taken by surprise by the announcement that I’d hit the 1K mark (neither good nor bad). Surveying my surroundings, it seemed I was farther ahead than seemed plausible to have hit 1K, suggesting the GPS was going nutty (bad). As it turned out, I was thinking I was running counter-clockwise when I was actually going clockwise.

I blame it on being so fully absorbed in the task and not going loopy.

The run proceeded without any cramps or other issues and only one cyclist, a little kid on a bike following a jogging parent. It was almost cute (no cyclist is ever cute). The main complication came at the second boardwalk, where a large group of adults, kids, dogs and strollers were assembled and largely not moving, part of some gathering or another. This is the primary reason I don’t like weekend runs, the trails are often filled with people on official outings. Surprisingly, they parted not unlike the Red Sea and I threaded my way through only having to ease up on my pace a little.

The rest of the run was uneventful and the left foot, though sore again on the walk back, was tolerable.

Overall, an encouraging run after last week’s terrible slog.

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