The warmer and slower early May run

Run 372
Average pace: 5:42/km
Location: Burnaby Lake (CCW)
Distance: 5.03 km
Time: 28:42
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 19-22ºC
Wind: high
Calories burned: 385
Weight: 163.8 pounds <1.2
Total distance to date: 3070
Device used: iPhone 6

Today’s run was much the same as last Sunday’s, except it was warmer and I was a bit slower. I didn’t have the energy to do a real final burst but the last three km were steady, a plus.

I didn’t end up running during the week because I am bad and lazy. I’ll try again this week, guilting myself into it somehow.

Otherwise today’s run had no complications. The left foot was sore on the walk back but about the same as it’s been, no better and no worse. It bugs me, that foot. I shake my fist at it.

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