Now that February has arrived, the first real deep freeze has come along with it. Four years ago they had to truck in snow for the Winter Olympics, so this is about right, weather-wise. Our weather has a well-developed sense of irony.
Instead of running today I opted to do a walk as a warm-up to a run tomorrow. I walked from home to Burnaby Lake, around the lake, then up to the Production Way SkyTrain station, a total of around 16 km or a bit more. My time was two hours and twenty five minutes, which is my usual exercise walking pace. When you maintain it for 2+ hours it really starts to feel like exercise, too.
I have a big ol’ blister on the lower inner part of my right foot now, just like when I did the same walk a month ago and it tasks me now much as it did back then. I could feel it forming while I walked but what can you do? Curiously I did not get the mirror blister on the left foot like last time, which leads me to the scientific conclusion that my right foot is weird.
As is usually the case when exercising, I expect my weight to be up tomorrow but I can rest easy knowing it is not because of the evil that donuts do.