Nothing too exciting to report on tonight’s workout. I started reasonably early compared to some recent exercises–it was only 9:30 p.m. when I hit the treadmill.
I wasn’t really feeling it, but sometime around the midway mark my mind started to drift and I muddled through, distracted from the sweating and exertion by various thoughts about various things.
Note the stats below are comparing today’s 30 minute workout to the previous, which was all of 7:28 minutes. The only interesting thing of note is that my pace after 30 minutes was the same as after 7:28 minutes, so I apparently had more gas tonight than I did the previous night.
Speed: 6.5 km/h Incline: 10 Pace: 9:31/km (9:31 km/h) Time: 30:03 (7.28) Distance: 3.15 km (0.78 km) Calories burned: 284 (59) BPM: 137 (123)