Treadmill workout: This time with actual running included

man in white tank top standing on treadmill
“Do I have to keep going?” Also, I could never pull off that shirt. Well, what little there is of it. Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

(Yes, I know I had said I was going to hide all my exercise stuff from the blog, but it requires either a plugin or code, and it is not a high priority (but will be done eventually). To compensate, I have included a stock photo of a treadmill with this post to make it more visually interesting, if not stunning.)

Today I debated whether to go outside for a run. It looked like it would be around -5C to -3C in the morning and while that is better than -9C, I dithered long enough that I defaulted to the treadmill.

I kept the incline and speed the same as before, but after hitting 3 km, I started getting fidgety, and instead of stopping, I cranked the speed from 6.7 to 8.7. You can only walk at 8.7 if you have giraffe legs, which I do not. So I ran for about the last km and stopped at 4K, which is also a fine resolution.

The running part was not as horrible as I remembered, so I might just do a run from the start the next time I am on the treadmill.

Wednesday is calling for 0-2C in the morning with a chance of rain or snow, so I am uncertain where I will be running, but we’ll see!

Speed: 6.7-8.7 (6.7)
Incline: 1 (1)

Pace: 8:14/km (8:30/km)
Time: 33:09 (30.00)
Distance: 4.03 km (3.53 km)
Calories burned: 387 (292)
BPM: 142 (129)

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