Using Stable Diffusion to AI up my art

I used this Github one-click installer to get Stable Diffusion, another AI tool that generates images based on text prompts, running on my M1-based Mac.

The initial results have been amusing, interesting, and sometimes just weird.

Using the default parameters, I used this prompt:

Cat wearing a top hat

And got this:

A fancy, if somewhat smudgy, cat

I then used the same prompt, but set the steps from 25 to the max of 50:

I like how the ears almost become part of the hat

This is one dapper feline.

Next, I tried:

Dog on a cow. High detail, photorealistic.

And got:

As the kids say, there is a lot to unpack here.

Undeterred, I adjusted the prompt:

Small dog riding on top of a cow through a grassy field.

The result looks like an alternate version of the album cover of Atom Heart Mother. I like it.

I’m going to keep playing with this, since my invitation to join the DALL-E beta went into a black hole, never to be seen again. More images soon™!

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