I thought the snow had melted enough due to The Rains, so headed out to do a possible river run, my first outdoor run since all the snow and freezing and such. But I was greeted by this at the gate:

Not exactly optimal running conditions. It was also pouring hard. But I was committed, so I set forth…on a walk.
I walked to the dam at Burnaby Lake, slipping minimally, but my pace was much slower than average–over 10 minutes/km for most of the time. No traction.
On the way back, I decided to try running for a bit on the narrow ruts made in the snow by service vehicles, and it sort of worked. I wasn’t very fast, but I never felt I was going to face-plant, which is always a plus when running. But I only ran on and off for 2 km or so. It was just not very enjoyable.
The good news is that with all the rain that’s been falling the past few days, the slush and snow should be even further diminished by Wednesday, so I might be able to do a full, actual run outdoors then. Oh, to dream.

Walk 102 Average pace: 9:44/km Location: Brunette River trail/Burnaby Lake Distance: 8.02 km Time: 1:18:03 Weather: Rain Temp: 6°C Humidity: 99% Wind: light BPM: 128 Weight: 174.9 pounds Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255 Total distance to date: 762.46 km