Walk 103: Saving the knees, 2024 edition

View of the Brunette River, partway through the walk.

My first official™ walk since January. There was no snow this time.

Today marks the 18th day that I haven’t run, due to the latest knee incident. I think I’m about ready to start running again, but thought it might be prudent to do a few walks first, to get the limbs limbered.

I started with a gentle set of stretches, then headed off to the lake and back. It was sunny, but also breezy. I did not exactly have sweat pouring off me, which is actually a nice thing.

I kept up a good pace, most dogs were leashed (it was mid-afternoon, apparently near peak dog-walking time) and even a gang of four roving nerds on scooters were mindful of me on the river trail. The pair of geese that have been shacking up near the dam have babbies! But only two (that I could see). Still, adorable.

My training status on my watch has now gone from Detraining to Recovery. Woo. Go me.


Walk 103
Average pace: 9:13/km

Location: Brunette River trail/Burnaby Lake
Distance: 8.02 km
Time: 1:13:58
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 14°C
Humidity: 52%
Wind: light to moderate
BPM: 126
Weight: 168.9 pounds
Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255
Total distance to date: 770.48 km

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